Tuesday 12 February 2008

How To Seduce 60 Beautiful Women (Part 6)

Finally! The end!

1: Jenny Lewis (singer, my future wife)
I’m not giving you a line. Keep away from my Jenny, y’hear?
Seriously man, back off.

2: Nerina Pallot (singer)
“You have that song, don’t you – Geek Love – where you ask if someone will take you home and get you undressed. I could be that man, Nerina Pallot. I could be that man, indeed.”
Using the word 'indeed' at the end of a sentence makes you seem like an intellectual.

3: Jenna Fischer (actress: The Office, Lollilove)
“I can give you love. In fact I can give you a lolly-lotta love!”
Babytalk is an essential part of the dating process.

4: Feist (singer)
“There’s no limit to my love!”
Girls are turned off by guys who appear to have only a limited capacity of love to give out.

5: Jewel Staite (actress: Firefly, Serenity)
“If you went out with me, you’d be the gem in the centre of my life”
Don't overplay it, but soppiness can be a great card to have up your sleeve when attempting to seduce a woman. Less so if you're trying to seduce a man, it's worth noting.

6: Candie Payne (singer)
“All I need to hear is a yes from you, Miss Payne”
A reference to one of her songs - play to the ego, guys. Play to the ego.

7: Cat Power (singer)
“Could we… go on a date?”
The best lines are often the ones that don't require much thought on your part.

8: Tina Fey (actress: 30 Rock, Baby Mama)
“Will you be my Baby Mama?”
This line references a film that hasn't even been released yet, thus proving that you are a fan of her work and keep a keen interest in her career.

9: KT Tunstall (singer)
“I would follow you though the dark”
This is a line from one of her songs, but more importantly - it's a line from a Death Cab For Cutie song. Every girl ever born loves that band

10: Kate Nash (singer)
“I got you some lemons as a present”
Because she is quite bittah.

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